Tutorial: Debtor Reports |
The Portal provides an extensive array of reports to aid you with your everyday account keeping for the Company's Debtors. In this tutorial we will discuss the Debtor reports available to you.
A list of links in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu provides access to the reports that we will investigate in this tutorial. The Debtor Menu can be opened by selecting Menus, Customer, Services and Debtors from the Navigation Menu. Open the Debtor Reports section by selecting the Debtor Reports link from the Debtor Menu.
The first report that we will discuss in this tutorial is the Debtor Name and Address report. Access the report by selecting the Name / Address link from the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu. This report lists the contact details of each Debtor in the selected Home Site. The Debtor's Name, Account Number, Site, Telephone and Fax Numbers, Email Address and Postal Address are all displayed in this report. This report is useful when needing to contact more than one Debtor, such as when making follow-up calls to outstanding statements. You can select the name of a Debtor to open the Debtor Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the Debtor.
The Quotes link in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu opens the Customer Quote Report screen. This report provides details of all quotations made for a selected Site during a specified period. Use the Type drop-down to report on pending, finalised or all quotes. Information displayed in this report includes the Customer Name, Account ID, Site Name, Quote Number, Status, Quote Date, Expiry Date and the Amount Quoted.
Click on a Customer Name to open a popup menu with the following options:
Edit this Customer, opens the Debtor Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected Debtor.
Display Customer Quote, loads the quote in the Customer Quote screen, allowing you to view more details for the quote and print it. If the quote has not been finalised, you can also edit the details of the quotation.
Reprint Customer Quote, allows you to view the quotation in PDF format and you can save or print the quote from here.
The Debtor Balances report can be opened by selecting Balances from the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu. This multi-purpose report lists details of current Debtor balances according to the report type which can be selected with the By drop-down list and includes the following options:
Totals Only, a report that lists the total balance owed to each Site.
Non Zero Balance, a report that lists the periodical and total balances owing for all Debtors with a non-zero balance at the selected Home Site.
All, a report that lists the periodical and total balances owing for all Debtors at the selected Home Site.
The Specific Period Balance link in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu opens an alternative balance report that outlines the movement of Debtor balances during a specific period. Use the By drop-down to select one of the following report styles:
Totals Only, a report that displays the total movement of Debtor balances by Site.
Balances, displays Debtor balance movement for each Debtor with transactions during the specified period.
To report on the Debtor statements issued during a period, select the Statements link from the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu. This report lists all statements issued to each Debtor during the selected period with information including the Customer Name, Code, Statement Number, Date of Issue, Balance Due, Available Credit, Credit Limit and Comments displayed.
A link is provided to Print All Statements allowing you to reprint the batch of statements. You can also select a Customer Name to open a popup menu with the following options:
Edit Debtor, opens the Debtor Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected Debtor.
Print Statement, allows you to reprint the selected statement.
Email Statement, emails a copy of the statement to the Debtor.
The Transactions link in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu opens a multi-purpose report that reports on transactional data for Debtors at the selected Site during the specified period. The Type drop-down list allows you to select the type of data displayed in the report - invoices, payments or debit adjustments. Totals are displayed for each Debtor with the selected transaction type during the selected period.
Select a Customer Name to open a popup menu with the following options:
Edit this Customer, opens the Debtor Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected Debtor.
List Transactions by this Customer, opens the Debtor Transactions screen which sumarises the transactions involving the Debtor.
Show Items Purchased by this Customer, opens the Debtor Sales report which lists the top performing items sold to the Debtor during the specified period at the selected Site. Use the Display drop-down in the Range tab to select the number of records to display in the report - Top 10 for example.
An alternative to the Transactions report is the All Transactions report that details transactions for a specific Debtor. This report can be opened by selecting the All Transactions link from the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu and selecting a Debtor from the Find Debtor screen. The All Transactions report lists the Site Name, Journal Number, Date, Terminal, Sales Amount, Paid Amount, Amount Owing, Quantity of Items, Lines and Transaction Type for each transaction involving the selected Debtor. Select a Journal Number to drill down to the Journal Detail report for the selected transaction.
The Sales Statistics link in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu opens a multi-purpose report that sumarises sales data for the selected State during a specified period. The Type drop-down list allows you to select the type of data displayed in the report - account purchases, average account dollar purchase or percentage account counts for example. Use the Display As drop-down list to display the report as a table or as a line, pie or bar chart.
If you need to reprint an invoice, the Invoice Reprint link in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu allows you to do this. A report is displayed listing the details of the invoices issued at the selected Site during the specified period. The Type drop-down allows you to filter this report by viewing data on the finalised, pending or all invoices. Each invoice number is listed with the Customer Name and the total of the invoice.
Select an Invoice Number to open a popup menu with the following options:
Edit this Customer, opens the Debtor Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected Debtor.
Print Invoice, opens a PDF version of the invoice from which you can save or print a copy of the invoice.
The Payment Reprint link in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu opens the Reprint Debtor Payments report. This report outlines all Debtor payments received at the selected Site during the specified period. Each payment has the Customer Name, Account Number, Payment Type, User, Payment Reference Number, Cheque Date and Amount Received displayed in this report.
Select a Customer Name to open a popup menu with the following options:
Edit this Debtor, opens the Debtor Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected Debtor.
Reprint Payment Details, opens a PDF version of the payment from which you can save or print a copy of the payment details.
In order to report on the outgoing emails from the Portal, a link to the Email Reports is provided in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu. This report lists details of all emails sent from the selected State and/or Site during the specified period. The Type drop-down list allows you to report on emails with or without error, or on all emails. The information displayed in this report includes the Date, Site Name, Sent Order (Sequence), To Address, From Address, Email Subject, Attachment Details, Size in KB and the User that sent the Email.
The Consignment Reports link in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu opens the Customer Consignment report. This report sumarises the consignments at the selected Site during the specified period. The Status drop-down list allows you to filter the report by open, closed or all consignments. Information displayed in this report includes the Consignment Number, Site Name, Customer Name, Change and Creation Dates, Number of Items, Status, User and Comments for each consignment.
Select a Consignment Number to open the Customer Consignment Note screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected consignment. You can also select a Customer Name to open the Debtor Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected Debtor. In addition the Create Consignment Note link opens the Customer Consignment Note screen, allowing you to create a new consignment.
The RA Reports link in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu opens the Return Authority report which sumarises the return authorities for the selected Site during the specified period. The Status drop-down list allows you to filter the report by open, closed or all return authorities. Information displayed in this report includes the Return Authority Number, Customer Name, Change and Creation Dates, Number of Items, Status, User and Comments for each return authority.
Select a Return Authority Number to open the Return Authority screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected return authority. You can also select a Customer Name to open the Debtor Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected Debtor. In addition the Create Return Authority link opens the Return Authority screen, allowing you to create a new return authority.
Use the Serial Number link in the Debtor Reports section of the Debtor Menu to open the Serial Number History report. This report is used to view the consignments and return authorities for a selected serial number. Use the Custom tab in the Find Serial Number / Item screen which opens to search for an item by Item Description, Item Code or Serial Number or select a tab with the letter that the item starts with to view all items beginning with that letter that have a serial number entered in the Portal.
After you select the serial number to report on, the Serial Number History report opens for the selected item. This report lists all consignments and return authorities for the selected item at a selected Site during the specified period. Information displayed in this report includes the Document Type, Return Authority Number, Consignment Number, Site Name, Customer Name, Change and Creation Dates, Status, User and Comments for each record.
It is possible to select the Document Type to open either the Consignment or Return Authority screen, allowing you to edit the details of the record. You can also select the Customer Name to open the Debtor Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected Debtor.
In this tutorial we have looked at each of the available Debtor Reports in the Debtor Menu. These reports will assist you in the maintenance of the Company's accounts and include reporting on balances, invoices and payments.