Tutorial: Control Reports |
The Control Reports are a diverse set of reports that detail information about the Point of Sale (POS) in order to identify peak trading periods, user performance and items returned, for example. In this tutorial we will discuss the Control Reports available in the Portal.
This tutorial focuses on the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu. The Sales Menu can be opened by selecting Menus and Sales Menu from the Navigation Menu. Open the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu by selecting the provided link.
Select the Discounts link from the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu to open the Discount report. The Discount report displays totals of discounts applied in each Site in the selected State during the specified period. Use the Type drop-down list to select to view data according to Item Discounts or Sales Discounts and the Display As drop-down list to view the data as a table or a line, pie or bar chart.
Select a Site Name to drill down into a more detailed report. This detailed report lists the items discounted at the selected Site during the specified Period and displays the total amounts discounted for each item.
An Item Description can be selected to open a popup menu with the following options:
Edit this item, opens the Inventory Management screen to enable you to edit the details of the selected item.
Show items sold with this item, opens the Associated Items report that details the items sold in conjunction with the selected item.
Show transactions containing this item, opens the Item Transactions report that lists the transactions involving the selected item.
Show Discount transactions containing this item, opens a Journal Discounts report that lists the transactions involving a discount on the selected item. A Transaction Date can be selected in this screen to open the Journal Detail report for the selected transaction.
The Customers link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu opens a multi-purpose report that lists details regarding the Customers of the Sites in the selected State during the specified period. The Type drop-down list selects the type of data displayed in the report - customer counts, average customer purchase dollars or percentage of loyalty sales, for example. The various types of data in this report make for a flexible report that can be used to identify the habits of your customers. Use the Display As drop-down list to view the data as a table or a line, pie or bar chart. Further drill-downs are also possible in this report, from Site to Department and Department to Item.
The Time Hour link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu opens a report that displays data by the hour during a specified period. Select the State and/or Site to report on and choose whether the report should Display As a table or a line, pie or bar chart. The Filters tab allows you to control the Type of data displayed in this report - transaction counts, quantity of items sold or sales figures, for example.
Select an hour to open a popup menu with the following options:
View Journals for this Hour, opens the Transactions report for the hour selected.
View finer intervals for this hour, opens a drill-down report to allow you to view data in smaller periods during the selected hour. The period can be selected by the Interval drop-down and the Filters tab contains the Type drop-down list to change the type of data in the report.
The Clerk Transactions link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu is a multi-purpose report that details the performance of your employees. This report displays data on the clerks in the selected State and/or Site during the specified period. The Type drop-down list is used to determine the type of data that is used in the report - transaction count, sales figures or average sales, for example. Use the Filters tab to filter the data according to loyalty, debtor and/or tender settings. A clerk name can be selected to open the Transactions report for the clerk.
The Returns link in the Control Options section of the Sales Menu opens the Returns report which lists items returned to the specified Site or State during the selected period. The Type drop-down list allows you to select the Sales totals or Quantity of items returned in the report. Use the Display drop-down list to select the number of items to be displayed in the report - Top 10, for example.
Use the Voids link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu to open the Void Sales report. This report displays totals for all voided sales in a selected Site during a specified period by clerk. The Type drop-down list allows you to select Void Sales, Void Items or Reversed Items for the report.
Select a clerk to view the Void Sale Item Details report for the selected employee. This report lists all items voided by the clerk in the period, the Journal Number and the Amount voided.
Click an Item Description to open the Inventory Management screen for the item, allowing you to edit the selected item's details. Alternatively, select a Journal Number to drill down to the Journal Detail report for the selected transaction.
The Petty Cash link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu opens the Petty Cash Purchases report. This report lists total purchases by petty cash for the selected Site during the specified period.
Select a Site Name to drill down to the detailed version of the Petty Cash report. The detailed version lists totals for purchases against the accounts for the selected Site during the specified period.
The No Sales link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu opens the POS No Sale Report. This report lists all 'No Sale' transactions that have been made at the selected Site or State during the specified date range. Information in this report includes the Clerk Name, Site Name, Site Number, Terminal Number and Date and Time of the No Sale transaction. This list can be used to identify when clerks are opening the cash draw of terminals without processing a sale. Selecting a Clerk Name in this report opens the Employee Maintenance screen, allowing you to edit the details of the user.
The Low Value Sales link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu opens the Low Value Sales report. This report is used to identify sales that have been made for a low amount at a selected Site during the specified period. The Option drop-down list allows you to select the range that the sales will be considered 'Low Value' for. For example, select the < $1.00 to view sales for less than one dollar in this report. Select a Date from the list to open the Journal Detail report for the selected transaction.
The Low Value Sales report can be used to view the low value sales of a specific item by using the Low Item Sales link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu. Selecting this link will open the Find Item screen, allowing you to select the item to report on. By selecting the item you will load the Low Value Sales report, filtered by the selected item.
The Single Item Sales link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu opens the Find Item screen, allowing you to select an item to report on in the Single Item Report. This report details sales figures for the selected item in the specified Site during the date range supplied. Information in the Single Item Sales report includes the Date/Time of the Transaction, the Item Description, Clerk, Journal Number, Terminal Number, Sales Amount, Quantity of the Item and any Discount Applied to the Item for each transaction involving the item. Click on the Date of the transaction to open the Journal Detail report for the selected transaction.
You can use the Find Journal link in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu to find a specific Journal entry. Select the Site and Terminal of the transaction to be found. Enter the Journal number and the Date of the transaction. Press the Search button to open the Journal Detail report for the transaction.
In this tutorial we have discussed the use of the reports in the Control Reports section of the Sales Menu. The diverse reports in this section can provide deeper insight into what is occurring in your Sites. They can help to identify peak trading times, small transactions and clerk performance, for example.