Terminal and PDT Maintenance |
Terminals serve two main purposes in the Portal - mostly they are used to perform transactions as a point of sale (POS) unit and their other function is as a Vision terminal to display advertising and dynamic menu boards. In this topic we will discover how to create a new terminal in the Portal, discussing how each setting can affect the usage of the terminal. We will also look at the Terminal Information Report which outlines the terminals in the Portal.
This topic deals with the Site Menu which can be opened by selecting Menus and Sites from the Navigation Menu. In the Sites section of the Site Menu, select Sites Details and select a Site to open the Site Maintenance screen. This screen is described in detail in the Site Details topic of this help file. In this topic we will discuss the Terminal tab of the Site Details screen.
The Terminals tab of the Site Maintenance screen contains links to edit existing terminals and one to create a new terminal. Clicking one of these links opens the Terminal Maintenance screen.
Note that if Locations have been enabled for the Site, terminal maintenance is performed for each location rather than for the site as a whole. In this case the Terminals tab can be accessed from the Location Maintenance screen, accessed by selecting a location from the Locations tab of the Site Maintenance screen.
Both versions of the Terminals tabs perform the same task - they list the existing terminals in a Site or Location and they allow a user to create a new terminal. It is possible to open the Terminal Maintenance screen by selecting a terminal to edit or by creating a new terminal.
In the Terminal Maintenance screen the Company and Site is listed for the terminal. If Locations are enabled for the Site the Location will also be listed. A terminal number will be automatically generated for the terminal when it is created and a drop-down list appears in this screen to allow you to select a Terminal for editing. The Terminal Name can be edited and you can set the VNC Port Offset which has to do with remote support. Enable Updates sets the terminal to receive updated information from the Portal and the Vision Terminal drop-down specifies whether the terminal is a POS terminal or a Vision terminal.
Press the Delete button to remove the selected terminal from the Portal and the New button can be used to create a new terminal from the Terminal Maintenance screen. The Save button is used to save the details of the terminal to the Portal and the Reset button reverts any changes made since the last saved details in order to undo what you have changed.
PDTs are portable terminals that allow a user to be mobile and still perform tasks that can be performed by any stationary terminal. They are created and edited in a similar way to regular terminals, except that they are created in the PDT tab of the Site or Location Maintenance screen. The PDT Maintenance screen can be accessed by selecting a PDT to edit or by creating a new PDT. The Company name and Site name are displayed for the PDT. A PDT Terminal number will be assigned to the PDT when it is created, and a drop-down list allows you to select a PDT to edit from the maintenance screen. Select a Default Menu for the PDT that sets the menu to be displayed after the PDT is logged into. Enter a Terminal Name for the PDT.
Press the Delete button to remove the selected PDT from the Portal and the New button can be used to create a new PDT from the maintenance screen. The Save button is used to save the details of the PDT to the Portal and the Reset button reverts any changes made since the last saved details in order to undo what you have changed if you make a mistake.
The Terminal Details screen lists all of the terminals in the Portal along with their Site and Company details. Listed in the screen is the Site Name, Site Number, Company Name, Terminal Name, Terminal Number, Time of Last Connection, Disk Space, Version Number, Remote IP Address, Local IP Address, VNC Offset, Pending Portal to Terminal count, whether a Web Cam has been attached to the terminal, whether the terminal is a Vision terminal and the VNC Password for each terminal in the Portal.
In this topic we have discussed the maintenance of a Site's Terminals and PDTs in the Terminal Maintenance screen for either a Site or the Locations of a Site (if Locations are enabled). We have also looked at the Terminal Details which lists all of the Terminals currently in the Portal for the Company. Terminals are used by the Portal to make sales (Point of Sale or POS Terminals) and in Vision to display menu boards or advertisements.