Terminals |
The Terminals screen allows the user to configure the displays to a terminal in the Portal. In the Portal, each display is a Vision Terminal, treated in a similar fashion to POS terminals. The Terminals screen in Vision Configuration sets the displays to their corresponding Portal terminals and also configures some other details for the venue as a whole. Note that changing any of the settings in this screen requires the Submit button to be pressed in order to commit the changes to the Portal.
Location: Currently not operational, this setting will be used to assign displays in Vision Configuration to specific locations in a venue, thus increasing the number of displays a venue may house.
Enable Locations: This setting will allow locations to be used in the venue.
Vision Terminal is Stand-Alone: This setting when unchecked will mean that Vision Terminals are directly linked to a POS terminal. Currently all Vision terminals are stand alone terminals.
Use Alternate Thread for Browsing: This setting increases efficiency in the Portal by starting a new process when browsing. This option should only be used if the Vision server is capable of multi-threading. Please contact H&L for more information on this feature.
Display to Terminal: These four fields set the terminal number for each display. The Vision terminals are assigned an ID number in the Portal and each display is assigned to a corresponding terminal by entering the Terminal ID in the field for each display. Enter a 0 for any display that is not used.
Controller: This field specifies the Vision Controller terminal by entering a Terminal ID for the terminal that controls the Vision configuration.
URL Directory: The address of the directory which contains the URL Control Files set in the Position screens of Vision Configuration. Often this is set to C:\Vision\URLS.
Vision Executable: The full filepath of the Vision application. Often this is C:\Vision\Vision.exe. The Vision application allows the user to view a display on their PC but note that the screen resolution may need to be adjusted for accuracy of the display.
XML Directory: The address of the directory which contains the xml files for the Portal in the venue. Often this is set to C:\Vision\Network.
Jackpot Directory: The address of the directory which contains the files for the Triumph Jackpot application. This is often set to C:\Vision\Jackpot.
Enable Jackpot: This setting enables the Triumph Jackpot feature in the Vision Portal.
Global Jackpot: This setting sets the Triumph Jackpot feature to be pooled across the sites in the company. Otherwise the jackpot will be restricted to the Vision venue.
Seconds Between Poll: This setting sets the number of seconds between each poll of the Portal to see if the Jackpot Prize has been won.
Use Alternate Portal for Jackpot: This checkbox sets the Jackpot Prize draw to be handled by an alternate Portal. If required this setting will be set during Portal setup and should not need to be changed.
Message Lines: These three fields allow you to enter a message over three lines to be displayed to announce the winner of a Jackpot prize draw.